Bombay Suburban Art and Craft Education Society’s
L.S. Raheja School of Architecture
Additional Mentorship Initiative
Bombay Suburban Art and Craft Education Society’s
L.S. Raheja School of Architecture
Additional Mentorship Initiative
From the Academic year 20204-25, LSR intends to rename its Slow Learners Program as Additional Mentorship Initiative. This document outlines the objectives, beneficiaries and the standard operating procedures for implementing the Initiative. This Additional Mentorship is over and above the guidance and support given by the Class InCharges. The aim of this Initiative is to assist students who are weak/ defaulting/ irregular or in need of assistance for completion of Academic milestones.
All students enrolled under the program of Bachelor of Architecture and Bachelor of Vocation (Interior Design) at L.S. Raheja School of Architecture.
1. Identification of students in need of Additional Mentorship
a. Class incharges shall recommend students who are weak/ defaulting/ irregular or in need of assistance at the end of each month.
b. The Class incharges shall generate a summary sheet identifying specific concerns and subjects that the students need mentorship in. This sheet shall be emailed to the Additional mentors identified for each class for that Academic year.
c. The students shall be recommended on the basis of the following criteria
i. Less than 65% attendance due to prolonged health concerns
ii. Students defaulting in more than 2 subjects
iii. Failure to submit most assignments for any one subject
iv. Any specific concerns highlighted by the Class Incharges including but not limited to previous semester ATKT/backlog, disciplinary concerns
v. If a student approaches the class incharges/administration with an admission withdrawal request.
d. Students and their parents shall be informed about the identified academic concerns.
2. Interaction with the students and redressal of main academic concerns
a. The students shall be responsible to coordinate and seek an appointment with the Additional mentors for an interaction session within 5 working days after receiving the notification of recommendation from Class incharges.
b. The additional mentors shall set an interaction session with individual students during college hours. If multiple mentors are allotted for a class, they all must be present for the interaction.
c. The Additional mentors must maintain records of identified concerns and the improvements recommended for each individual student. They should follow the standard format for maintaining the records of this interaction.
d. Based on the concerns identified by class incharges, the Additional Mentors shall assess the overall academic performance of the student and suggest certain improvement strategies. They may give additional guidance for certain subjects/ topics as deemed necessary.
e. The Additional mentors may recommend a follow up interaction session/sessions. They must maintain records for the follow up sessions as well.
f. According to the assessment, the additional mentors may recommend an interaction with the psychological Counselor in the Institute. If a psychological counselor interaction is recommended by the Additional mentors, then the parents/ guardians of the student shall be informed about the same.
g. The Additional mentors must escalate sensitive/ critical concerns of individual students to the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Coordinator and Principal for further discussion.
h. The recommendation slips filled out for each student by the Additional Mentors shall be submitted class wise to the IQAC coordinator at the end of each semester.
3. Communication with parents (if necessary)
a. The additional mentors, if necessary, may communicate/ interact with the Student’s parents or guardians to aid academic course completion.
b. These interactions may be planned in the online/ offline mode during college hours.
c. The Parent/ guardian interactions must be attended by both, the class incharges and the classwise Additional Mentors.
d. A record of these interactions has to be maintained by the Additional Mentors. If needed, the matter can be discussed with the IQAC coordinator and the Principal.
Ar. Mandar Parab
L.S. Raheja School of Architecture
Bombay Suburban Art and Craft Education Society’s